Irving Berlin

(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)

Irving Berlin (1888-1989) occupa un position extraordinari in le musica popular american. Durante su longe vita, ille componeva plus que 1.000 cantos popular, multes del quales es classicos in le musica popular american.

Ben que ille nasceva in Russia, ille rapidemente absorbeva le essentia del spirito del cultura del populo de su nove pais, que sempre fertilisava su imagination quando ille scribeva su musica. Un altere compositor, Jerome Kern, diceva un vice que Irving Berlin non esseva solmente un importante compositor del musica popular american ma que ille vermente esseva le musica american mesme.

Forsan le duo cantos le plus popular de Irving Berlin celebra le Natal e le Pascha.

Multe americanos crede que un perfecte die de Natal debe celebrar se in un loco coperite de nive. Irving Berlin esseva de accordo e scribeva “White Christmas” in 1939. On lo cantava in le film “Holiday Inn” in 1942, e postea “White Christmas” deveniva un del plus grande “hits” del musica popular american.

Su canto “Easter Parade” celebra un tradition de New York City, ubi durante le matino de Pascha le gente promena in Fifth Avenue pro celebrar le dies plus calide de primavera. Le feminas se adorna con nove cappellos e habitos.

Berlin scribeva iste canto pro le pecia de theatro musical “Easter Parade” in 1933, e illo esseva le canto principal pro le film con le mesme titulo que se produceva in 1948.

Quando Irving Berlin nasceva in Russia 1898, su nomine esseva Israel Baline. Ille esseva le plus juvene del octo filios de su familia, que veniva al Statos Unite pro fugir del antisemitismo del Russia de ille epocha.

Le familia Baline veniva al Statos Unite in 1893. Illes non habeva multe moneta e viveva in un parte de New York City ubi il habeva altere familias judee povre. Su patre moriva quando ille habeva octo annos, e Israel debeva trovar travalio pro adjuvar su familia. Su prime empleo esseva como le assistente de un cantator cec qui travaliava in le stratas de New York. Multo tosto ille mesme comenciava a cantar in ille mesme stratas. Plus tarde ille trovava un empleo cantante in un restaurante.

Tosto Israel comenciava a componer su proprie cantos. Ille nunquam apprendeva le notation musical e componeva su musica usante un sol digito in le piano. Un assistente transcribeva su melodias sur folios de papiro. Quando le prime canto de Israel se publicava, il habeva un error in le orthographia de su nomine, que deveniva I. Berlin. Israel pensava que iste error orthographic esseva plus natural como un nomine american, e ille cambiava su nomine a Irving Berlin.

Inter 1912 e 1916 Irving Berlin scribeva plus que 180 cantos, e tosto su cantos deveniva famose in omne le partes del mundo. Durante le Prime Guerra Mundial, ille serviva in le armea statounitese, e on le invitava a scriber un pecia de theatro musical sur le vita militar. Le resultato esseva “Yip Yip Yaphank”, in le qual omne le actores esseva soldatos american. Multes de iste cantos deveniva popular.

Post su annos in le armea american, Irving Berlin retornava a New York e formava su proprie compania pro publicar su musica. Ille anque comenciava a producer su pecias de theatro musical in un theatro presso Broadway.

Como le vita Irving Berlin esseva multo fortunate, ille amava le Statos Unite e exprimeva su admiration pro su nove pais in su cantos. Un de illos es “God Bless America”. Ille scribeva iste canto in 1918, ma illo deveniva famose solmente quando Kate Smith lo cantava in 1938. Multe personas crede que “God Bless America” es le secunde hymno national del Statos Unite.

In 1941, le Statos Unite comenciava a luctar in le Secunde Guerra Mundial, e Irving Berlin scribeva un nove pecia theatral musical sur le vita militar con le titulo “This is the Army”, que adjuvava a augmentar le appoio del population del Statos Unite pro le Secunde Guerra Mundial.

Post le guerra Irving Berlin continuava a componer cantos pro films e pecias de theatro. Ille scribeva cantos pro plus que 15 films inter le annos 1930 e 1950, multes de illos usate in films con le famose dansatores Fred Astaire e Ginger Rogers. Ille anque scribeva musica pro nove pecias de theatro, inter le quales le plus succedite esseva “Annie Get Your Gun”, producite in 1946.

Irving Berlin moriva in 1989. Ma le cantos que ille dava al Statos Unite e al mundo, como multe cantos de Duke Ellington e Elvis Presley, continuara a esser popular pro multe annos in le futuro.

Irving Berlin (1888-1989) occupies an extraordinary position in American popular music. During his long life, he composed more than 1,000 popular songs, many of which are classics in American popular music.

Though he was born in Russia, he rapidly absorbed the essence of the spirit of the culture of the people of his new country, which always fertilized his imagination when he wrote his music. Another composer, Jerome Kern once said that Iving Berlin was not only an important composer of American popular music but that he really was American music itself.

Perhaps Irving Berlin’s two most popular songs celebrate Christmas and Easter.

Many Americans believe that a perfect Christmas day must be celebrated in a place covered with snow. Irving Berlin agreed and wrote “White Christmas” in 1939. It was sung in the film “Holiday Inn” in 1942, and afterwards “White Christmas” became one of the biggest hits of American popular music.

His song “Easter Parade” celebrates a New York City tradition where during Easter morning people stroll along Fifth Avenue to celebrate the warmer days of spring. Women dress up in new hats and dresses.

Berlin wrote this song for the musical theater production “Easter Parade” in 1933, and it was the theme song for a film with the same title that was produced in 1948.

When Irving Berlin was born in Russia in 1898, his name was Israel Baline. He was the youngest of the eight children in his family, which came to the Untied States to escape from the anti-Semitism of the Russia of that era.

The Baline family came to the United States in 1893. They did not have very much money and lived in a part of New York City where there were other poor Jewish families. His father died when he was eight years old, and Israel had to find work to help his family. His first job was as the assistant of a blind singer who worked in the streets of New York. Very soon he himself started to sing in those same streets. Later on he found a job singing in a restaurant.

Soon Israel began to compose his own songs. He never learned musical notation and wrote his music using a single finger on the piano. An assistant transcribed his melodies onto sheets of paper. When Israel’s first song was published, there was a spelling mistake in his name, which became I. Berlin. Israel thought that this spelling mistake was more natural as an American name, and he changed his name to Irving Berlin.

Between 1912 and 1916 Irving Berlin wrote more than 180 songs, and soon his songs became famous everywhere in the world. During the First World War, he served in the American army, and he was invited to write a musical theater production on military life. The result was “Yip Yip Yaphank,” in which all the actors were American soldiers. Many of these songs became popular.

After his years in the American army, Irving Berlin returned to New York and established his own company to publish his music. He also began to produce his musical-theater plays in a theater near Broadway.

Since Irving Berlin’s life was very fortunate, he loved the United States and expressed his admiration for his new country in his songs. One of them is “God Bless America.” He wrote this song in 1918, but it became famous only when Kate Smith sang it in 1938. Many people believe that “God Bless America” is the second national anthem of the United States.

In 1941, the United States started to fight in the Second World War, and Irving Berlin wrote a new musical theater play on military life with the title “This is the Army,” which helped increase popular support for the Second World War in the United States.

After the war Irving Berlin continued to compose songs for films and theater productions. He wrote songs for more than fifteen films between the years 1930 and 1950, many of them used in films with the famous dancers Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. He also wrote the music for new plays, among which the most successful was “Annie Get Your Gun,” produced in 1946.

Irving Berlin died in 1989. But the songs that he gave to the United States and the world, like many of the songs of Duke Ellington and Elvis Presley, will continue to be popular for many years in the future.

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