Como io processava le quatro textos de “Bonobos”

(Languages of this post: Interlingua, English)

In le articulo in Wikipedia sur bonobos io comenciava con un texto in catalan sur iste animal, le qual io trovava al extreme leve del schermo, ubi io trovava ligamines a altere articulos sur bonobos in forsan vinti altere linguas.

(Como io jam ha dicite in un altere articulo in “Interlingua multilingue” iste listas es un excellente ressource pro studentes interessate in un grande varietate de linguas. In le epocha pre-Internet, il haberea essite multo plus difficile trovar facilemente un simile selection de articulos!)

Io consultava le articulo in catalan proque io voleva augmentar mi cognscimentos de iste lingua. Iste articulo non esseva multo longe, e io decideva que illo poterea servir admirabilemente ben como le base de un articulo pro “Interlingua multilingue”.

Io comenciava le production de iste articulo primo per traducer lo al espaniol usante le traductor electronic de Google, que produce traductiones multo bon inter iste duo linguas. Io tunc comparava le traductiones, corrigeva le espaniol, e eliminava partes del texto in catalan pro producer un articulo plus breve.

Io tunc traduceva le version in espaniol al anglese, corrigente le traduction in anglese de Google e modificante le versiones in espaniol e catalan quando io trovava manieras plus simple de exprimer alicun partes de iste articulo durante que io travaliava.

(Le uso extensive del traductor electronic de Google me ha inseniate como producer textos que es simple e correcte que ha un alte probabilitate de producer traductiones assatis bon in altere linguas, ben que sovente io debe facer alicunes emendationes in le textos que Google me provide.)

Finalmente, io produceva le version in interlingua, consultante le tres altere versiones de iste articulo durante que io redigeva le version in interlingua, modificante a vices le versiones in le altere tres linguas pro augmentar le similaritates de expression de omne illos sin facer violentia al patronos de expression in ulles de illos.

Pro me, isto esseva un maniera excellente de studiar omne iste quatro linguas con le objectivo de trovar formas de expression clar e simple in omne illos.

How I processed the four texts of “Bonobos”

In the article in Wikipedia on bonobos I started with a text in Catalan about this animal, which I found at the extreme left of the screen, where I found links to other articles on bonobos in perhaps twenty other languages.

(As I have already said in another article in “Interlingua multilingue,” these lists are an excellent resource for students interested in a great variety of languages. In the pre-Internet era, it would have been much more difficult to easily find a similar selection of articles!)

I took a look at the article in Catalan because I wanted to increase my knowledge of this language. This article wasn’t very long, and I decided that it could serve quite admirably as the basis of an article for “Interlingua multilingue.”

I started the production of this article first by translating it into Spanish using Google’s electronic translator, which produces very good translations between these two languages. I then compared the translations, corrected the Spanish, and eliminated parts of the Catalan text to produce a shorter article.

I then translated the Spanish version into English, correcting Google’s English translation and modifying the versions in Spanish and Catalan when I found simpler ways of expressing some parts of this article.

(Extensive use of Google’s electronic translator has taught me how to produce texts that are simple and correct that have a high probability of producing rather good translations into other languages, though I often have to make some corrections in the texts that Google gives me.)

Finally, I produced the version in Interlingua, consulting the three other versions of this article while I edited the version in Interlingua, modifying at times the versions in the other three languages to increase the similarities of expression in all of them without doing violence to the patterns of expression in any of them.

For me this was an excellent way of studying all these four languages with the goal of finding clear and simple ways of expression in all of them.

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